Friday, August 17, 2012

Men's Fitness Training

Just as with losing weight, your training schedule should be aimed at burning off, then keeping off your excess fat, adding or toning muscle and increasing your cardiovascular fitness. A mixture of resistance training (using weights) and cardiovascular exercise is the perfect way to go.
It's not necessary to lift extremely heavy weights when your aim is general fitness, unless you also want to add substantial amounts of muscle. Although adding a little muscle will add to your strength, thereby improving your performance in many other fitness activities and sports.
For cardiovascular fitness try things like running, cycling and swimming, but remember that the more variety you have in your routine, the less likely you are to become bored or burnt out.
Setting goals for yourself can keep you motivated and moving forward. Celebrate your achievements, before setting new goals and keep a journal of your fitness activity and progress.
Build up gently to prevent injury and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate. Read more at

Men's Fitness Supplements

For total fitness you may want to boost certain aspects of your diet with supplements. This depends on how well your diet is providing the nutrition you need to support your fitness goals.
Protein is extremely important as we mentioned above, so if you feel you can't get the 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight per day from your regular diet, it's worth considering a whey protein supplement.
You need to make sure you are consuming more protein than carbs and a protein shake can be the basis of 2 or 3 of your meals per day. This saves force feeding yourself when you may not be particularly hungry, as it's far easier to drink your extra nutrients.
The good fats have so many benefits and are not always easy to get in the right quantities from a normal diet, so a good Omega oil blend can be useful.
Also consider a high quality antioxidant to support your immune system, especially if you are exercising intensely.
It's not a good idea to rely on supplements alone, as they are meant to 'supplement' a nutritious diet, not replace one. We've listed a number of useful fitness supporting supplements below for you to consider. Visit to find out more. 

Men's Fitness Diet

When you're lean and toned you look fit and healthy, so basically a fitness diet needs to keep your body fat down, while making sure your muscles are firm and toned. Obviously exercise is important too, but the correct macronutrients will feed your muscles and ensure they are ready to cope with your active lifestyle.
With this in mind and to ensure you get a balanced, nutritional diet, focus your meals on quality protein, complex carbs and plenty of the good fats, such as Omega 3. You need protein for general bodily repairs, carbs for daily energy along with fueling your workouts and the good fats will also be used as long lasting fuel and prevent over storage of fat.
Aim for 5 or 6 small but nutritious meals per day, as it will help you reach your goals for a number of reasons. When you have regular small nutritious meals throughout the day, your blood sugar remains stable and your metabolism will be fired up. Both of which help to ensure your body stores less of the calories you eat as fat, along with forcing your body to burn stored fat, helping you to stay lean.
Between meal, hunger based snacking can destroy your hard work, so this is something you should be keeping in check. Regular small meals help to keep your hunger satisfied, so you're also less likely to snack on foods that are bad for you.
You'll soon find the right amount of calories to keep your weight stable and your muscles toned, without adding unwanted fat. For instance, getting and keeping a six pack is a balance of the right exercise, along with a higher protein, low carb diet, to keep your body fat levels at a low level.
We always recommend drinking around 8 glasses of water a day, to stay hydrated. Dehydration can severely affect your energy, stamina levels and even how healthy your skin looks. Staying hydrated throughout the day will not only help you get you through your workouts, but will also support liver and kidney health, along with helping your body process the extra protein in your diet.To read more, visit

Men's Fitness

You really don't have to live in the gym to enjoy the benefits of true fitness. Simply start with a main goal such as weight loss, muscle gain or cardio fitness, work towards it and use our advice to maintain it.

Our opinion is that fitness is a lifestyle, not a fad and it gets much easier the longer you embrace it. Crash dieting or the the latest celeb fitness regime might be ok short term. But for lasting, life enhancing fitness you need a lifestyle and attitude change.
Always set yourself small but achievable targets on a weekly or monthly basis and once you reach them you can raise the bar a little and set new ones. You'll find this very motivating and will really help to keep you on track.
You may have a primary goals you want to achieve first, such as losing weight or bulking up. Our other Goal guides can help you with that. Once you've achieved it, you can then follow the guidelines here to stay fit and healthy for life.
As with all goals, your fitness regime needs to revolve around great nutrition, along with a balanced exercise routine. This can consist of weight training, cardio such as cycling, running, swimming, or both. It all depends what suits you and what you enjoy. The more you enjoy your fitness routine, the more likely you are to stick to it.
Once you become used to the benefits of true fitness, you'll be happier, enjoy far more energy, your immune system with be stronger and obviously you'll the very best you can be.Follow more on

Power & Strength Training

To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system recuperates.

Always warm-up before you begin your actual workout. Warm-ups should be just enough to get the blood flowing through your muscles. Don't over do it or you'll lose the energy needed to complete your workout. Only lift weights that match your current level of fitness, but build up progressively and use a heavy enough weight so the last repetition causes fatigue.
Research has shown that taking protein and carbohydrates after a workout, will increase protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown thus increasing the potential for gaining muscle mass. To know more, visit

Power & Strength Supplements

To build large amounts of new muscle, your body needs large amounts of extra amino acids (protein), which are the actual building blocks of muscle. No extra protein = no extra muscle.
This is why we suggest a quality whey protein supplement to ensure your body has a good sized reserve of protein to call on for growth. Without this it can be difficult consuming all the protein you need in your usual meals. It's far easier to drink extra protein, than eat it.
Creatine monohydrate comes in powder and is taken with liquid and is another great supplement when you are aiming for power and strength gains. It provides energy to your muscles, enhances protein synthesis and increases cell volume.
Below we've listed various other supplements to help your goal of building lean muscle. Read more at

Power & Strength Diet

When eating for power and strength, sufficient high quality protein is essential, along with complex-carbs and EFA's (fats) for fuel and energy.
You need to be eating 5 to 6 meals a day, with nutritious snacks in between, to pack on ne muscle. A protein shake is the perfect way to add the extra 2 or 3 'meals' you need for growth.
Protein is incredibly important for muscle growth, as it's actually made up of Amino Acids which are the building blocks of muscle, so without them no growth is possible. Of course, you consume protein with most meals, in the form of meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk, but to drastically increase muscle and therefore strength, you need much more protein than you would for normal day to day activity.
The amount of protein you need varies from person to person, but a good ‘ball park’ figure is 1.5 gram of protein for each pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should aim to consume 225 grams of protein a day. This will ensure your body has a large reserve of protein to call on for both day to day activities, along with fueling the growth of muscle mass.
To gain one pound of muscle, you need an increase of around 3,500 calories. So if you are aiming to gain ½ pound per week, you'll need an additional 1,750 calories per week, or 250 calories per day. That's not counting the additional calories you need to complete your workouts.
It's important to note that when you don't consume enough protein, especially when engaged in a heavy exercise regime, the body makes up for the protein deficiency by taking amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) from muscle tissue. This is called catabolism and obviously leads to muscle loss and weakness.
Protein will also make you feel fuller for longer, as it takes more time to digest. More calories are burnt due to this and your core body temperature and metabolic rate is raised, which helps to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
You also need complex carbohydrates, as they burn slowly keeping your blood sugar levels constant, reducing both fat storage and fatigue, while supplying quality fuel for your muscles. The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential as they help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated at all times if you you want to pack on the muscle. Not only that but if you are dehydrated your workouts will suffer. You'll also need more water for your liver and kidneys to process the extra protein you'll be consuming. To know more, check out