Friday, August 17, 2012

Men's Fitness Training

Just as with losing weight, your training schedule should be aimed at burning off, then keeping off your excess fat, adding or toning muscle and increasing your cardiovascular fitness. A mixture of resistance training (using weights) and cardiovascular exercise is the perfect way to go.
It's not necessary to lift extremely heavy weights when your aim is general fitness, unless you also want to add substantial amounts of muscle. Although adding a little muscle will add to your strength, thereby improving your performance in many other fitness activities and sports.
For cardiovascular fitness try things like running, cycling and swimming, but remember that the more variety you have in your routine, the less likely you are to become bored or burnt out.
Setting goals for yourself can keep you motivated and moving forward. Celebrate your achievements, before setting new goals and keep a journal of your fitness activity and progress.
Build up gently to prevent injury and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate. Read more at

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