Friday, August 17, 2012

Men's Fitness Training

Just as with losing weight, your training schedule should be aimed at burning off, then keeping off your excess fat, adding or toning muscle and increasing your cardiovascular fitness. A mixture of resistance training (using weights) and cardiovascular exercise is the perfect way to go.
It's not necessary to lift extremely heavy weights when your aim is general fitness, unless you also want to add substantial amounts of muscle. Although adding a little muscle will add to your strength, thereby improving your performance in many other fitness activities and sports.
For cardiovascular fitness try things like running, cycling and swimming, but remember that the more variety you have in your routine, the less likely you are to become bored or burnt out.
Setting goals for yourself can keep you motivated and moving forward. Celebrate your achievements, before setting new goals and keep a journal of your fitness activity and progress.
Build up gently to prevent injury and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate. Read more at

Men's Fitness Supplements

For total fitness you may want to boost certain aspects of your diet with supplements. This depends on how well your diet is providing the nutrition you need to support your fitness goals.
Protein is extremely important as we mentioned above, so if you feel you can't get the 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight per day from your regular diet, it's worth considering a whey protein supplement.
You need to make sure you are consuming more protein than carbs and a protein shake can be the basis of 2 or 3 of your meals per day. This saves force feeding yourself when you may not be particularly hungry, as it's far easier to drink your extra nutrients.
The good fats have so many benefits and are not always easy to get in the right quantities from a normal diet, so a good Omega oil blend can be useful.
Also consider a high quality antioxidant to support your immune system, especially if you are exercising intensely.
It's not a good idea to rely on supplements alone, as they are meant to 'supplement' a nutritious diet, not replace one. We've listed a number of useful fitness supporting supplements below for you to consider. Visit to find out more. 

Men's Fitness Diet

When you're lean and toned you look fit and healthy, so basically a fitness diet needs to keep your body fat down, while making sure your muscles are firm and toned. Obviously exercise is important too, but the correct macronutrients will feed your muscles and ensure they are ready to cope with your active lifestyle.
With this in mind and to ensure you get a balanced, nutritional diet, focus your meals on quality protein, complex carbs and plenty of the good fats, such as Omega 3. You need protein for general bodily repairs, carbs for daily energy along with fueling your workouts and the good fats will also be used as long lasting fuel and prevent over storage of fat.
Aim for 5 or 6 small but nutritious meals per day, as it will help you reach your goals for a number of reasons. When you have regular small nutritious meals throughout the day, your blood sugar remains stable and your metabolism will be fired up. Both of which help to ensure your body stores less of the calories you eat as fat, along with forcing your body to burn stored fat, helping you to stay lean.
Between meal, hunger based snacking can destroy your hard work, so this is something you should be keeping in check. Regular small meals help to keep your hunger satisfied, so you're also less likely to snack on foods that are bad for you.
You'll soon find the right amount of calories to keep your weight stable and your muscles toned, without adding unwanted fat. For instance, getting and keeping a six pack is a balance of the right exercise, along with a higher protein, low carb diet, to keep your body fat levels at a low level.
We always recommend drinking around 8 glasses of water a day, to stay hydrated. Dehydration can severely affect your energy, stamina levels and even how healthy your skin looks. Staying hydrated throughout the day will not only help you get you through your workouts, but will also support liver and kidney health, along with helping your body process the extra protein in your diet.To read more, visit

Men's Fitness

You really don't have to live in the gym to enjoy the benefits of true fitness. Simply start with a main goal such as weight loss, muscle gain or cardio fitness, work towards it and use our advice to maintain it.

Our opinion is that fitness is a lifestyle, not a fad and it gets much easier the longer you embrace it. Crash dieting or the the latest celeb fitness regime might be ok short term. But for lasting, life enhancing fitness you need a lifestyle and attitude change.
Always set yourself small but achievable targets on a weekly or monthly basis and once you reach them you can raise the bar a little and set new ones. You'll find this very motivating and will really help to keep you on track.
You may have a primary goals you want to achieve first, such as losing weight or bulking up. Our other Goal guides can help you with that. Once you've achieved it, you can then follow the guidelines here to stay fit and healthy for life.
As with all goals, your fitness regime needs to revolve around great nutrition, along with a balanced exercise routine. This can consist of weight training, cardio such as cycling, running, swimming, or both. It all depends what suits you and what you enjoy. The more you enjoy your fitness routine, the more likely you are to stick to it.
Once you become used to the benefits of true fitness, you'll be happier, enjoy far more energy, your immune system with be stronger and obviously you'll the very best you can be.Follow more on

Power & Strength Training

To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system recuperates.

Always warm-up before you begin your actual workout. Warm-ups should be just enough to get the blood flowing through your muscles. Don't over do it or you'll lose the energy needed to complete your workout. Only lift weights that match your current level of fitness, but build up progressively and use a heavy enough weight so the last repetition causes fatigue.
Research has shown that taking protein and carbohydrates after a workout, will increase protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown thus increasing the potential for gaining muscle mass. To know more, visit

Power & Strength Supplements

To build large amounts of new muscle, your body needs large amounts of extra amino acids (protein), which are the actual building blocks of muscle. No extra protein = no extra muscle.
This is why we suggest a quality whey protein supplement to ensure your body has a good sized reserve of protein to call on for growth. Without this it can be difficult consuming all the protein you need in your usual meals. It's far easier to drink extra protein, than eat it.
Creatine monohydrate comes in powder and is taken with liquid and is another great supplement when you are aiming for power and strength gains. It provides energy to your muscles, enhances protein synthesis and increases cell volume.
Below we've listed various other supplements to help your goal of building lean muscle. Read more at

Power & Strength Diet

When eating for power and strength, sufficient high quality protein is essential, along with complex-carbs and EFA's (fats) for fuel and energy.
You need to be eating 5 to 6 meals a day, with nutritious snacks in between, to pack on ne muscle. A protein shake is the perfect way to add the extra 2 or 3 'meals' you need for growth.
Protein is incredibly important for muscle growth, as it's actually made up of Amino Acids which are the building blocks of muscle, so without them no growth is possible. Of course, you consume protein with most meals, in the form of meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk, but to drastically increase muscle and therefore strength, you need much more protein than you would for normal day to day activity.
The amount of protein you need varies from person to person, but a good ‘ball park’ figure is 1.5 gram of protein for each pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should aim to consume 225 grams of protein a day. This will ensure your body has a large reserve of protein to call on for both day to day activities, along with fueling the growth of muscle mass.
To gain one pound of muscle, you need an increase of around 3,500 calories. So if you are aiming to gain ½ pound per week, you'll need an additional 1,750 calories per week, or 250 calories per day. That's not counting the additional calories you need to complete your workouts.
It's important to note that when you don't consume enough protein, especially when engaged in a heavy exercise regime, the body makes up for the protein deficiency by taking amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) from muscle tissue. This is called catabolism and obviously leads to muscle loss and weakness.
Protein will also make you feel fuller for longer, as it takes more time to digest. More calories are burnt due to this and your core body temperature and metabolic rate is raised, which helps to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
You also need complex carbohydrates, as they burn slowly keeping your blood sugar levels constant, reducing both fat storage and fatigue, while supplying quality fuel for your muscles. The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential as they help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated at all times if you you want to pack on the muscle. Not only that but if you are dehydrated your workouts will suffer. You'll also need more water for your liver and kidneys to process the extra protein you'll be consuming. To know more, check out

Power & Strength

Resistance exercise or weight training as it is more commonly called, plays a huge part in most fitness regimes. From using light weights for toning and firming muscles, to lifting much heavier weights for power and strength training, most gymnasiums are now full of people wanting to change their physique.

Power and strength training requires the use of heavier weights and usually a lower amount of sets and reps. Gradually increasing the amount of weight used is of utmost importance to build both muscle mass and strength.

With regard to nutrition, because the primary purpose of this kind of training involves building larger, stronger muscles, nutrition aimed at feeding the muscles and supporting recovery, is of the utmost importance.
You may want to build muscle because you consider yourself underweight, to add extra muscle to an already athletic physique, or you're involved in sports that rely on strength.
Whichever it is, building lean muscle requires more than just lifting a few weights and increasing your calories. To add new muscle without pounds of fat, you need a well thought out diet plan, along with a strict, heavy workout routine.
You must perform the correct exercises paying strict attention to form, in order to force your body into muscular growth, while feeding and fuelling that growth with optimum nutrition. To know more, visit

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Women's fitness Training

Your training schedule should be aimed at burning off, then keeping off your excess fat, adding or toning muscle and increasing your cardiovascular fitness.
You can achieve this by using a mixture of resistance training (using weights) and cardiovascular exercise. The thing to keep in mind is that the more lean tissue you have, the more calories you will burn when you exercise.
Aim for all over body routines and exercises. Never try to 'spot reduce' as it doesn't work. For instance, if you need to lose belly fat, exercises that focus on your abdominal muscles will not reduce your belly fat on their own.
With regard to weight training for fitness, you do not have to lift extremely heavy weights to see results. If you are not interested in building more muscle then lighter weights are fine for toning up. However, adding a little muscle to your frame is a great idea, as it will make you look much fitter and improve your posture as well as your strength obviously.
Cardiovascular exercise is important for overall fitness and there are many forms you can try, including running, cycling and swimming. Variety is the spice of life and that includes exercise. By changing and trying different exercises, you'll stave off boredom along with keeping your body from getting used to the routine and seeing it's effectiveness fade.
To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate. To know more, visit

Women's Fitness Supplement

If you are eating nutritiously, using the foods we suggest, you may not need supplements. It actually depends on what you are trying to achieve.
However, sometimes it can be difficult getting all your nutrients from your meals, so this is where supplements to meet certain goals can be of benefit. A good Omega oil blend can be useful as the good fats have so many benefits and are not always easy to get in the right quantities from a normal diet.
Your body needs lots of protein when you are following a fitness regime, so supplementing with a high quality whey protein powder can be useful. You need to make sure you are consuming more protein than carbs and a protein shake can be the basis of 2 or 3 of your meals per day. This saves force feeding yourself when you may not be particularly hungry, as it's far easier to drink your extra nutrients.
A high quality antioxidant can also be of benefit, to support your immune system after intense workouts.
Never rely on supplements alone, as a nutritious diet and along with a sensible exercise routine, is far superior for long term, permanent fitness.
We've listed a number of useful fitness supporting supplements below for you to consider.

Women's Fitness Diet

As with most weight or fitness goals, eating 5 or 6 nutritious meals per day will help you reach your goals. You may think fewer meals will keep you lean and healthy, but this is not the case. Your body will store less of the calories you consume as fat if you have regular small meals throughout the day, thanks to keeping your blood sugar and metabolism at the correct levels.
You're also less likely to snack on foods that are bad for your goals, as the combination of small healthy meals, along with the eating the right nutrients will keep your hunger in check.
Focus your meals on quality protein, complex carbs and plenty of the good fats, such as Omega 3 based foods. You need protein for general bodily repairs, carbs for daily energy along with fueling your workouts and the good fats will also be used as long lasting fuel and prevent over storage of fat.
We always recommend drinking around 8 glasses of water a day, to stay hydrated. This will not only help you get you through your workouts, but will also support liver and kidney health, along with hydrating your skin. All of which will make you glow with health.
It's a good idea to monitor and even record your daily nutrient intake, especially your calories. Once you know your maintenance levels you can then adjust your intake to speed up or sometimes regulate your progress.
Everyone is different so you need to find out exactly what works for you. To know more, visit

Women's Fitness

Enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle doesn't mean committing yourself to a life of gym slavery and eating rabbit food.

A little planning, simple changes to your diet and dedicating a few hours a week to exercise is all that it takes.

Just remember that if you are looking to transform your body, crash dieting will not work long term. We firmly believe the best way to achieve your body size and health goals is to make a commitment to yourself to make the changes you need and stick to them.
Setting achievable targets on a weekly or monthly basis can help you to keep on track. Achievement, however small is a great motivator. Once you achieve a certain amount of weight loss or maybe an exercise goal, celebrate then set a new target and work towards that.
A well thought out nutritious diet along, with a well planned and structured exercise regime will reap huge rewards. You can start your exercise and diet plan by aiming for your primary goals. Maybe that's toning up, weight loss or muscle gain and once you've achieved that, you can then follow the guidelines here to stay lean and healthy. To read more visit

Muscle & Size Training

A solid muscle and size building workout routine is essential. Remember that you should increase the weight you lift progressively, as continually lifting the same load will not significantly increase your muscle mass.
Aim for a weight you can lift for 5 or 6 reps before exhaustion and don't do more than 3 sets per body part. You need to do enough to ensure growth, without doing too much so you are over training.
Strict exercise form and intensity are very important when building mass. Wobbling around with a weight that is too heavy for you to complete 5 or 6 strict reps, is not only non productive, it's also dangerous. Attention to form will ensure you move forward much faster and avoid injuries that can potentially set you back for months.
To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate. To know more, visit

Muscle & Size Supplements

Number one supplement for gaining muscle and size is protein, as it's difficult to get the amount of quality protein you need to add significant amounts of muscle from your usual meals.
A quality whey protein supplement can make up for this. You simply consume 2 or 3 protein shake based meals per day on top of your usual 3 square meals per day. Aiming to eat around every 3 or 4 hours will ensure your body has all the nutrients it needs for growth, keep your blood sugar levels steady, along with your metabolism fired up.
Never rely on supplements alone, as a nutritious diet and a mass building workout routine is far superior for long term, permanent results.
Other useful supplements for building mass include a good Omega 3 based oil, lean mass powders to add extra complex carbs combined with protein and natural growth hormone raising supplements such as GABBA.
Here we've listed supplements known to help with gaining muscle and weight. To know more about the supplements,

Muscle & Size Diet

It's essential that your diet provides enough high quality protein to feed your muscle growth, along with plenty of carbs and fats to provide the energy for your daily activity, along with your workouts.
You need to be consuming 5 or 6 meals a day to ensure your body has a constant pool of the nutrients it needs. The last thing you want is for your body to have to break down existing muscle tissue to feed itself. Along with protein, slow-digesting complex carbs are needed as they provide fuel while maintaining your blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. This means the majirity of the protein you eat can be used for your muscle building.
Consuming 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs will trigger the genes responsible for fat burning, which will help you to stay lean while adding muscle.
You should ensure you drink around 8 glasses of water a day, to stay hydrated and get you through your workouts. Your liver and kidneys will also need more water to process the extra protein you're consuming.

Muscle & Size

If you want to build muscle and size, correct exercise and nutrition are critical. You need to perform the right exercises, with enough weight to force your body into muscular growth, while feeding and fueling that growth with optimum nutrition.
You are trying to add weight rather than lose it, so the main difference is you’ll need to increase your calorie intake with quality, nutrient dense food, especially protein as it supplies the building blocks for new muscle. You want to add as much muscle as possible without adding unwanted fat.
To continually add muscular weight you must continuously overload your muscles, by increasing the weight you use at each workout. The ideal workout for muscle and size should involve a low number of sets and repetitions, while using enough weight so the last repetition is very difficult to complete.

It's this last rep when your muscles momentarily 'fail', that causes growth to happen.

For effective, lasting muscle gain, along with safety, it’s essential to pay strict attention to your exercise form, lift the correct amount of weight for your current body size, get plenty of rest and aim to add around 1 to 2 pounds of muscle per week.

When training for muscle and size use ‘free’ weights, meaning barbells and dumbbells as opposed to machine based weights, wherever possible. Holding and balancing the free weights as you do the exercises, strengthens your smaller, postural muscles and will help to ensure you can safely handle heavier weights as you grow.

Also, cut back on your aerobic activity as it burns calories which you need to fuel your weight gain. Stay with your workout schedule and diet plan and you'll soon see the muscle piling on.

Building Lean Muscle training

To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system recuperates.
Remember that everyone is different and you'll need to find out what's right for you.
Always warm-up before you begin your actual workout. Warm-ups should be just enough to get the blood flowing through your muscles. Don't over do it or you'll lose the energy needed to complete your workout.
Only lift weights that match your current level of fitness, but build up progressively and use a heavy enough weight so the last repetition causes fatigue.To know more, check out

Building Lean Muscle Supplement

As your main goal is building new muscle, your body needs extra amino acids (protein) which are the actual building blocks of muscle.
You must ensure your body has a good sized reserve of protein to call on for growth and a good ‘ball park’ figure is 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should aim to consume 150 grams of protein a day.
This can seem a lot to consume in 3 meals a day, so a high quality Whey protein supplement can help. You need to be eating 5 to 6 small meals a day and a protein shake is the perfect way to add the extra 2 or 3 'meals'.
Below we've listed various other supplements to help your goal of building lean muscle.

Building Lean Muscle Diet

When planning your diet you must remember that the secret to a firm toned body, is to eat enough calories from the right foods to fuel muscle growth, without consuming too many and accumulating unwanted body fat.
Getting the right balance of quality protein, complex-carbohydrates and the good fats, is essential to ensure that your body adds muscle while burning off fat. Read our Build Lean Muscle guide by clicking here.
A protein rich diet is needed for gaining muscle because it's made up of Amino Acids, which are the building blocks of muscle, without which no growth is possible. You also need complex carbohydrates, as they burn slowly keeping your blood sugar levels constant, reducing both fat storage and fatigue, while supplying quality fuel for your muscles. The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential as they help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Protein also helps fat loss, as it makes you feel fuller for longer due to it taking your body longer to digest,. This longer digestion time also uses more calories and raises your core body temperature and metabolic rate, known as "thermogenesis", helping to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
Aim for around 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated at all times if you you want to build lean muscle. Not only that but if you are dehydrated your workouts will suffer. You'll also need more water for your liver and kidneys to process the extra protein you'll be consuming.

Building Lean Muscles

You may want to add lean muscle to your frame because you consider yourself underweight or you simply wish to add extra muscle to an already athletic physique.
Building lean muscle is not as simple as lifting a few weights and increasing your calories. To add new muscle without pounds of fat, requires a well thought out diet plan, along with a strict workout routine.
You must perform the correct exercises paying strict attention to form, in order to force your body into muscular growth, while feeding and fuelling that growth with optimum nutrition.
Sufficient high quality protein is essential, along with complex-carbs and EFA's (fats) for fuel and energy. Many specific, high quality supplements are now available to help you reach your goal quickly.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tone and Shape Training

A mixture of resistance training (weights), along with aerobic activity is needed to tone and shape your body.
With any exercise, build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system recuperates.
You do not have to lift extremely heavy weights to tone and shape. Unless of course you want to 'shape' into someone with much larger muscles. However, adding a little muscle to your frame is a great idea, as it will make you look much fitter and improve your posture as well as your strength obviously.
Cardiovascular exercise is important to help burn off stored fat, along with preventing your body from storing extra unwanted fat. Running, cycling and swimming are great cardio activities, but variety is the spice of life and by changing and trying different exercises, you're less likely to get bored and much more likely to continue to reach your goals.
Everyone is different and you'll need to find out what's right for you.
Remember to always warm-up before you begin your actual workout. Warm-ups should be just enough to get the blood flowing through your muscles. Don't over do it or you'll lose the energy needed to complete your workout.
Only lift weights that match your current level of fitness, the last thing you want is an injury that will prevent you reaching your goals.

Tone and Shape Supplements

If you consider yourself overweight, you may want to try a fat burner or a fat blocker. Fat burners do exactly that, burn extra fat, usually by raising your metabolism. Fat blockers bind with a certain percentage of the fat you eat and remove it from your system before it has a chance to be digested and stored as body fat.
To build extra muscle, even small amounts, you need quality protein. If you can't get enough from your normal diet, or find it difficult to eat more protein rich meals, a Whey protein supplement can be very useful.
Whey protein is very easily absorbed by your body and can be added to your diet in the form of easy to drink shakes.
Below we've listed various other supplements to help your goal of building lean muscle.

Tone and Shape

Not everyone wants to pack on slabs of muscle, some people simply want to shape and tone what they already have.

To do this you need to address two things. Nutrition that will reduce unwanted fat and prevent excess fat storage, along with exercise to firm up existing muscle and add new muscle.

When we talk about adding new muscle, we do not mean 'bodybuilding' necessarily, but adding small amounts of muscle where needed, to enhance your shape.

For instance, maybe you would like larger leg muscles and a little extra on your arms and shoulders to balance out your physique and this is achievable by using selective exercises, along with the right diet.
The secret to a firm, toned body, is to eat enough calories from the right foods to fuel muscle growth, without consuming too many and accumulating unwanted body fat.
The right balance of quality protein, complex-carbohydrates and the good fats, is essential to ensure that your body tones existing muscle along with adding new muscle where needed, while at the same time burning off unwanted fat. Read our Build Lean Muscle guide by clicking here
A protein rich diet will feed existing muscle and help to form new muscle as it's made up of Amino Acids, which are the building blocks of muscle.
Protein also helps prevent fat storage, keeping you looking toned, as it makes you feel fuller for longer due to it taking your body longer to digest. This longer digestion time also creates "thermogenesis", an increase in body temperature and metabolic rate, due to using more calories. This also helps to keep you toned by helping to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
This longer digestion time also uses more calories and raises your core body temperature and metabolic rate, known as "thermogenesis", helping to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
Complex carbohydrates are also needed as they burn slowly keeping your blood sugar levels constant, reducing both fat storage and fatigue, while supplying quality fuel for your muscles.
The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential as they help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Aim for around 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated at all times if you you want to build lean muscle. Not only that but if you are dehydrated your workouts will suffer. You'll also need more water for your liver and kidneys to process the extra protein you'll be consuming.

Healthy Living Training

Exercise is not just about building or strengthening muscles. It has many benefits including building stamina, increasing energy, improving heart, and lung health, straightening posture and improving mood, to name but a few. Weight bearing exercise has even be shown to improve bone strength. All of these things help towards a new and healthy you.
For total health we suggest you combine resistance exercise (lifting weights) and cardiovascular exercise (jogging, cycling, swimming etc). This way you can build or tone muscle, along with keeping your heart and lungs in peak condition.
Your training schedule should be aimed at burning off, then keeping off your excess fat, adding or toning muscle and increasing your cardiovascular fitness.
With regard to weight training for fitness, you do not have to lift extremely heavy weights to see results. If you are not interested in building more muscle then lighter weights are fine for toning up. However, adding a little muscle to your frame is a great idea, as it will make you look much fitter and improve your posture as well as your strength obviously. You'll also burn more calories when you exercise.
Cardiovascular exercise is important for overall fitness and there are many forms you can try, including running, cycling and swimming. Variety is the spice of life and that includes exercise. By changing and trying different exercises, you'll stave off boredom along with keeping your body from getting used to the routine and seeing it's effectiveness fade.
You can also try activities that help your flexibility and calm your mind too, such as Yoga or Martial Arts.
To begin with build up any activity gently and try twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between intense exercise or workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate.

Healthy Living Supplements

It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your meals, so this is where supplements to meet certain goals can be of benefit. Obviously this is an individual thing and depends on many different factors.
A good Omega oil blend can be useful as the good fats have so many benefits and are not always easy to get in the right quantities from a normal diet.
Your body needs lots of protein when you are following a fitness regime, so supplementing with a high quality whey protein powder can be useful. You need to make sure you are consuming more protein than carbs and a protein shake can be the basis of 2 or 3 of your meals per day. This saves force feeding yourself when you may not be particularly hungry, as it's far easier to drink your extra nutrients.
A high quality antioxidant can also be of benefit, to support your immune system after intense workouts.
It's never a good idea to rely on supplements alone, as a nutritious diet and along with a sensible exercise routine, is far superior for long term, permanent health and fitness.
We've listed a number of useful fitness supporting supplements below for you to consider.

Healthy Living Diet

Without doubt, your diet plays a huge role in helping you live healthily. It's extremely difficult to look and feel healthy while living on a diet primarily based on junk food.
If you want high energy levels, a clear mind and an end to fighting unwanted fat, you need a nutritious diet that feeds your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Choose healthy foods that contain all the macronutrients, protein, complex carbohydrates and the good fats, along with all the vitamins and minerals your body needs
You should avoid high salt or sugary foods, along with the bad fats.
Consuming 5 or 6 nutritious, primarily protein based meals per day will ensure your body stores less of the calories you consume as fat, thanks to keeping your blood sugar and metabolism at the correct levels. The regular small meals along with extra protein, which digests much slower than carbs, will supply a steady stream of energy and also means you're less likely to snack on junk foods, as your hunger will be kept in check.
We recommend drinking around 8 glasses of water a day, to ensure you stay fully hydrated. This will support liver and kidney health, help you get through your exercise routines and daily activities, along with hydrating your skin. All of which will make you glow with health. It won't take very long on a healthier diet before you see and feel the results, which will help motivate you to continue and choose healthy-living as a lifestyle.

Health and Vitality

We now live in a fast paced environment where everybody is busy and sometimes we forget to heed our personal appearances and our well-being. There are bills to paid for, a baby to take care for and a husband/ wife to attend to. Exercise is important in toning our bodies and minds in achieving whatever it is that we desire. When we have little time, here are products that can help you achieve that body and wellness that you deserve!

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Healthy Living

Good nutrition and exercise can both help reduce stress, but enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle doesn't mean committing yourself to a life of gym slavery and eating rabbit food.

A little planning, simple changes to your diet and dedicating a few hours a week to exercise and relaxation is all that it takes.
If you wish to live a healthy, happy life there are a number of aspects you need to concentrate on. Firstly good nutrition should be the cornerstone of your plan. If you feed your body with the very best nutrients it needs for sustained energy, growth, repair and fat control, along with specific foods to ensure nerve and brain health, you'll be rewarded for years to come.
Other essential factors are plenty of pure water, quality sleep and time set aside for stress free relaxation.
Stress control is incredibly important, yet often overlooked. When you are stressed for long periods of time your health suffers, you don't sleep as deeply as you should and your blood pressure and digestion can be negatively affected.
Good nutrition and exercise can both help reduce stress, but enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle doesn't mean committing yourself to a life of gym slavery and eating rabbit food. A little planning, simple changes to your diet and dedicating a few hours a week to exercise and relaxation is all that it takes.

Weight Loss Training

It's not essential to exercise when you want to lose weight, but it will drastically speed up your efforts. Remember that weight loss is primarily about consuming less calories than you burn, so it makes sense to increase your calorie burning activities. Not only that but exercise has so many well known benefits, it's well worth the effort.
To begin with it may be a good idea to build up gently and workout twice per week, for the first few weeks, building up to 3 times per week. Always have at least one day between workouts to ensure your muscles and nervous system has time to recuperate.
If you can't manage a full training session at the gym, then try swimming, cycling, jogging etc to burn extra calories along with toning up your muscles. Remember that everyone is different and you'll need to find out what's right for you.

Weight Loss Supplement

When losing weight, if you eat the correct ratio of protein, carbs and fat, you'll find you can lose weight without resorting to too many supplements. Especially when you combine your diet with exercise.
We do suggest a quality whey protein powder to ensure you get enough protein and it's a great way to add a few meals and make sure you are eating 5 or 6 per day. Of course you may want to speed up your results, in which case there are many fat burners and fat blockers available that can help.
We don't advise you rely on supplements alone, as a healthy diet and exercise routine is far superior for long term results. Relying on supplements can see your weight return as soon as you stop taking them. A healthy eating and exercise plan can transform your body for good and make you feel healthier than you may have felt for years.
Below we've listed various supplements for short term help in your goal of losing weight.

Weight Loss Diet

The secret to a firm toned body, is to eat enough calories from the right foods to fuel a little muscle growth and the burning of stored fat, without consuming too many and accumulating more unwanted body fat.
This is much easier than you might imagine when you consume the right balance of quality protein, complex-carbohydrates and the good fats.
Firstly, you MUST avoid simple carbs as much as you possibly can. These include anything made with white flour, white rice, most boxed breakfast cereals, sweets and candy, sugar and sugary drinks like Cola and Lemonade.
However, slow-digesting complex carbs like whole grains, brown rice, muesli, vegetables, some fruits, pulses such as kidney beans, lentils, peas, black beans and soy beans, can help your weight loss as they help to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. That doesn't mean however that you can eat all the carbs you want.
To lose weight we recommend that you stick to the lower calorie amount and ensure that your protein intake is higher than your carb intake. Aim for 1.5g of protein, 1g of carbs and 0.25g of fat per pound of body weight per day. Eating 5 or 6 small meals, spread out evenly throughout the day will also help keep your blood sugar level steady and fire up your metabolism.
The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential for many bodily processes and they actually help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Protein also helps fat loss, as it makes you feel fuller for longer due to it taking your body longer to digest,. This longer digestion time also uses more calories and raises your core body temperature and metabolic rate, known as "thermogenesis", helping to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
Don't forget your water. Aim for around 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated when trying to lose weight. As you'll be consuming more protein you'll need more water for your liver and kidneys to process it.