Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weight Loss

In principle, weight loss is simple to achieve. Just burn more calories than you consume, which creates a calorific deficit and forces your body to burn your stored fat to make up the difference. Unfortunately many people interpret this as starving themselves and then wonder why their weight loss efforts fail.
When you follow our guide weight loss doesn't have to feel like torture. You can eat well, not have to fight off hunger pangs and actually feel healthier the more you progress.

The key to this is to get a good balance of quality protein, complex carbohydrates and the right fats and learn to use them to your advantage, to ensure you don't go hungry and that your body burns off your unwanted fat and not muscle.

We're about to show you how to get this right, to speed up your weight loss without the hunger and stress normally associated with dieting.

Many people complain that when they lose weight, they look a little flabby and would like to tone up. This is partly due to not combining an exercise routine with your diet and not eating the right ratio of macronutrients. If you get this wrong, you're body will have no other option than to use your muscle tissue for fuel. That's the last thing you want.

To save that from happening to you, the best way to lose weight in the first place is to combine a solid nutritional approach with an exercise routine, designed to strip away your unwanted fat, along with toning up your muscles.

This double approach will speed up your weight loss efforts and ensure you look much fitter, healthy and more toned, once you reach your weight loss target.

Don't be worried about adding a little extra muscle while using this diet and exercise plan. We are not talking about body building and growing huge muscles, but when you get your diet and exercise right, you'll find your muscles get a little bigger, firmer and more toned.

This is a good thing as you'll look much healthier, fitter and you'll even see an improvement in your posture, which on its own can make you look a slimmer.

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