Thursday, August 16, 2012

Muscle & Size Diet

It's essential that your diet provides enough high quality protein to feed your muscle growth, along with plenty of carbs and fats to provide the energy for your daily activity, along with your workouts.
You need to be consuming 5 or 6 meals a day to ensure your body has a constant pool of the nutrients it needs. The last thing you want is for your body to have to break down existing muscle tissue to feed itself. Along with protein, slow-digesting complex carbs are needed as they provide fuel while maintaining your blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. This means the majirity of the protein you eat can be used for your muscle building.
Consuming 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs will trigger the genes responsible for fat burning, which will help you to stay lean while adding muscle.
You should ensure you drink around 8 glasses of water a day, to stay hydrated and get you through your workouts. Your liver and kidneys will also need more water to process the extra protein you're consuming.

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