Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weight Loss Diet

The secret to a firm toned body, is to eat enough calories from the right foods to fuel a little muscle growth and the burning of stored fat, without consuming too many and accumulating more unwanted body fat.
This is much easier than you might imagine when you consume the right balance of quality protein, complex-carbohydrates and the good fats.
Firstly, you MUST avoid simple carbs as much as you possibly can. These include anything made with white flour, white rice, most boxed breakfast cereals, sweets and candy, sugar and sugary drinks like Cola and Lemonade.
However, slow-digesting complex carbs like whole grains, brown rice, muesli, vegetables, some fruits, pulses such as kidney beans, lentils, peas, black beans and soy beans, can help your weight loss as they help to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. That doesn't mean however that you can eat all the carbs you want.
To lose weight we recommend that you stick to the lower calorie amount and ensure that your protein intake is higher than your carb intake. Aim for 1.5g of protein, 1g of carbs and 0.25g of fat per pound of body weight per day. Eating 5 or 6 small meals, spread out evenly throughout the day will also help keep your blood sugar level steady and fire up your metabolism.
The 'good' fats such as Omega 3 EFAs are essential for many bodily processes and they actually help to trigger the genes responsible for fat burning.
Protein also helps fat loss, as it makes you feel fuller for longer due to it taking your body longer to digest,. This longer digestion time also uses more calories and raises your core body temperature and metabolic rate, known as "thermogenesis", helping to increase fat burning and prevent fat storage.
Don't forget your water. Aim for around 8 glasses of water a day, as it's very important to keep your body hydrated when trying to lose weight. As you'll be consuming more protein you'll need more water for your liver and kidneys to process it.

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