Thursday, August 16, 2012

Muscle & Size

If you want to build muscle and size, correct exercise and nutrition are critical. You need to perform the right exercises, with enough weight to force your body into muscular growth, while feeding and fueling that growth with optimum nutrition.
You are trying to add weight rather than lose it, so the main difference is you’ll need to increase your calorie intake with quality, nutrient dense food, especially protein as it supplies the building blocks for new muscle. You want to add as much muscle as possible without adding unwanted fat.
To continually add muscular weight you must continuously overload your muscles, by increasing the weight you use at each workout. The ideal workout for muscle and size should involve a low number of sets and repetitions, while using enough weight so the last repetition is very difficult to complete.

It's this last rep when your muscles momentarily 'fail', that causes growth to happen.

For effective, lasting muscle gain, along with safety, it’s essential to pay strict attention to your exercise form, lift the correct amount of weight for your current body size, get plenty of rest and aim to add around 1 to 2 pounds of muscle per week.

When training for muscle and size use ‘free’ weights, meaning barbells and dumbbells as opposed to machine based weights, wherever possible. Holding and balancing the free weights as you do the exercises, strengthens your smaller, postural muscles and will help to ensure you can safely handle heavier weights as you grow.

Also, cut back on your aerobic activity as it burns calories which you need to fuel your weight gain. Stay with your workout schedule and diet plan and you'll soon see the muscle piling on.

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